Nathalie Rees joined us for a giveaway segment, thanks to our frineds at Park Royal. If you are looking for a gift for that special lady, you will want to listen.
Scott Rintoul joined for his regular spot in hour 2 on Thursday. Started off by talking about the poll question. Says it’s Jared McCann or you are just wrong. Also threw out the name, Tyler Madden. Takled about Dahlén. Hopes he goes on to have a promising career. Says he wouldn’t vote for him because of what McCann has become. Talked about the Boudreau story. Not unique to the Canucks. Says people were losing interest and now that they are winning, interest is coming back. If they can continue to win the week, as BB said, the value of the players will go up. Talked about Derek Clancey. Talked about brining in a diverse hire. Talked about Covid protocols. Talked about the difference between the NHL and NFL and why NFL’s can be different. Talked about who the Canucks best player is. Said you have to consider Garland. Though the answer is Demko. Talked about the CFL and proposed rule changes.
Our Canucks reporter, Jeff Paterson, joined in his regular spot. Talked about the logistics of any news regarding restrictions around the Canucks and the arena. It does feel difficult to imagine that we will be at Rogers arena to watch a hockey game vs the Leafs. Ran through the schedule of the week and how much ice time the players are getting. Talked about Brisebois coming up. Talked about no travelling media and how hard information was to come by. Talked about Stan Smyl and his promotion. Had to go back and look at his last title. Talked about which Canucks prospect got away. Would cast his vote for Forsling.
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